Rep. Miller's Swearing-In Day Interview
Jan. 05, 2021 / Embed
Rep. Brett Miller makes remarks after being sworn in to serve as state representative for the 2021-22 legislative session.
Ensuring a Solvent Pennsylvania
Jul. 08, 2020 / Embed
During floor debate of HB 1995, Representative Brett Miller urges passage of the bill which will establish a bipartisan commission to analyze past and projected economic conditions to secure the solvency of our Commonwealth for years to come.
Miller Comments on House Bill 2503
Jun. 24, 2020 / Embed
Representative Brett Miller talks about his legislation which will provide parity in the 45-day provisional hiring window for employees of both child-care providers and any other employer who hires and supervises employees who have direct contact with children.
Miller Youth Employment Practices Bill Passes in House
Jun. 23, 2020 / Embed
PA State Rep. Brett Miller explains his legislation dealing with updating youth employment practices in Pennsylvania. The bill passed in the PA House by unanimous vote.
Miller Gives State Budget Update
May. 27, 2020 / Embed
PA State Rep. Brett Miller details the importance of passing a stabilizing state budget in Pennsylvania.
Rep. Brett Miller Memorial Day Video
May. 22, 2020 / Embed
PA State Rep. Brett Miller hosts a virtual Hempfield Memorial Day ceremony.
Miller Capitol Tour
May. 20, 2020 / Embed
Since school children throughout the region are missing out on their field trips to the state Capitol due to COVID-19 restrictions, Rep. Brett Miller is bringing the Capitol to them through this virtual tour. Students, parents and anyone interested in learning about your Capitol building and state government are encouraged to take look.
Rep. Brett Miller HB 2465 State Government Committee
May. 04, 2020 / Embed
PA State Rep. Brett Miller explains his legislation, HB 2465, to require that in the context of an Emergency Declaration, all records granting or denying any waiver, exclusion or other exception to a governor’s executive order shall be posted on a publicly accessible internet website within 24 hours of the grant or denial.
Rep. Miller Gives Legislative Update
Apr. 21, 2020 / Embed
Representative Brett Miller explains legislative action that will allow the construction and retail industries to reopen according to Federal CDC guidelines.
Miller on Reopening The Economy
Apr. 14, 2020 / Embed
State Rep. Brett Miller comments on the passage of 4 bills passed by the House which are meant to safely reopen Pennsylvania's economy.