Brett R. Miller is committed to continuing the 41st District’s proud tradition of straight-talking, reform-minded leadership in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

After nine years of service as an East Hempfield Township supervisor (the last four as board chairman), Brett has earned a reputation as a true friend to the taxpayer.   Through tough choices and wise management, Brett led Lancaster County’s second-largest township from facing a dismal fiscal outlook to a sizable surplus – all without raising taxes or cutting services.  He’s eager to put this type of financial discipline to work in the Pennsylvania Legislature.

For the 2025-26 legislation session, Brett has been appointed to serve as the Republican chairman of the House Local Government Committee.

Previously, his leadership skills opened the doors to service on the county and state level: he was appointed to the Over 10,000 Population Committee, the Finance Committee and the Legislative Committee of the Pennsylvania Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS).  Additionally, he was elected by his peers as 1st vice-president of the Lancaster County Associations of Township Supervisors.

Vocationally, Brett spent 26 years as a guidance counselor in Lancaster County’s public schools.  Through his work as a guidance counselor, first at Garden Spot School District for four years, and then for 22 years at Warwick School District, Brett has helped thousands of students and families.   

Brett is a constitutional conservative who has sought to bring a respectful and commonsense approach to his elected roles.  His views of a responsive, but limited, government have been the guiding principles of his public service.  

Brett holds principal and counselor certifications from Penn State University and Millersville University, and has earned a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree from Liberty University.

Brett and his wife, Jennifer, live in East Hempfield Township.  They are active in their church and other community organizations.